Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Oh my poor neglected blog.  What did you ever do to deserve this?  It's not that I'm ignoring you; in fact I think of you quite often.  I think of all the silly thoughts in my head, all the topics that could grace your pages, all the words that could fill the screen. 

However, I don't want to ramble on with complaints, or abstract thoughts, or inane ideas.  I want words that form substance, opinions that matter, posts that engage whomever happens to read them.

And therein lies my problem.

I think too much about who might read you, when I should just post something, whether it be a long inspiring essay, a poem, or just a picture with some brief explanation.  I should not care if anyone reads you.  I created you, I breathe life into you.  Even if no one visits you or reads you, you still exist.

You are a reflection of me; your content is as varied as my life.  There are times when you are overflowing with enthusiastic ideas.  Other times, you are more reflective and pensive.  And of course, there are times when you are silent and still.

I will be more willing, less stringent.  I hope to fill you and share you, make you come alive.

I promise.


  1. There are days when only two or three people read one of my entries. But they help me to put my thoughts in order and to expand my knowledge when I write something out of curiosity. Sometimes I hear a news tidbit and I say, "How interesting" or "How horrifying," etc. and I look it up to learn more. My blog has become an exercise in thinking and expression.

    Keep writing. You express your ideas well!

    1. I like your way of looking at it, Maria and I love your blog!

  2. Been there. Done that. Still can't seem to fix it.

    1. yeah but you have posted WAY more than me, Paul!

  3. Write on! Write for you!
