Thursday, June 2, 2016

Fly Robin Fly

Yesterday evening, I was sitting on my back porch when I heard chirping very close by.  Our yard is home to a variety of birds and they are always coming and going.  This chirping, however, was so close that I knew the bird had to be somewhere on the porch, but I couldn't see it.  Finally, I spied the noisemaker-a young robin that had somehow flown onto the bottom part of a table.  He seemed a bit confused as to where he was.  I walked over and got just close enough to take a picture.  He just kind of stared at me; I was reminded of the book, "Are You My Mother?" by P.D. Eastman :)

It was after I took the photo that I spied Momma Robin.  She was perched on the fence, dinner hanging from her mouth, looking intently at the situation going on.  She couldn't chirp to her youngster because if she did, she would lose the big fat worm she had in her beak.  

So I encouraged the little guy to fly back to his mom.  He hopped around a few times and finally made it to the latticework that wraps around the porch.  But he was still unsure.  I edged ever closer, telling him to go fly back to his mom, and finally he took flight and landed in the yard.  Instantly Momma Robin was at his side and off they went from there.

It made me think: We all need encouragement from time to time, especially if those closest to us are not able, for whatever reason, to give us that encouragement.  There is no need for judgment.  A positive word here or there can make the difference between falling flat or taking flight.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful experience! I have a bunch of fledglings in my yard right now, too. I love what you said at the end - "We all need encouragement from time to time, especially if those closest to us are not able, for whatever reason, to give us that encouragement. There is no need for judgment. A positive word here or there can make the difference between falling flat or taking flight." Wise words indeed!
