Tuesday, January 19, 2016


If you have an account on any social media platform, you have seen the meme proclaiming that 2015 was the year that everyone was offended by everything.  Whether it was politics, race relations, religion, celebrities, daily life, the weather, everyone seemed to have a bone to pick with someone or something.

Why is focusing on the negative so easy for human beings?  We latch on to what we don't like and give that all of our attention and energy.  We get consumed by lamenting what is wrong with that person, that group, that thing, that idea and we use our talents and time to fight against something....or at least spend a lot of time complaining or being sarcastic.

What if, instead of railing against that which we detest, we instead used our time and talent to focus on what we believe in and love?  You don't like a particular politician?  Then promote the one you do like.

Don't like a certain situation you see in the news or at work?  Then put your focus and energy towards a solution.  Better yet-just don't complain.  That is a Herculean feat in itself, trust me!  

Don't like a certain celebrity or roll your eyes at a particular lifestyle?  Then don't give them free publicity by talking about them at all, even if it's to point out what you think is wrong or annoying, etc.  It would be far better (and more positive) to give time to the things you do enjoy and like.  

Sarcasm has become an art form in this society, especially since most people can remain fairly anonymous, hiding behind computer screens and online identities.  But I have to admit, the constant snarkiness gets wearying.  Does everyone need to make snide comments about the Kardashians, President Obama, Donald Trump, etc?   Does everyone need to hear your lamentations about the weather, Mondays, or that person on Facebook that drives you crazy with their posts?

Just because something dominates the news, popular culture, or your timeline or Twitter feed doesn't mean it deserves your attention.  Those things are popular because we choose to give them attention.  Imagine what would happen if we didn't.  They would fade away, at least from our consciousness.  You wouldn't feel the need to put in your two cents or make a witty comment.  

One of my favorite moments from the Simpsons is in an episode where giant logos and mascots have come to life and are destroying the town.  Lisa Simpson discovers that if you stop giving the monsters attention, they lose their power and die:


What if we all did that-just not give our attention to the things and people that annoy us, bother us, and instead focus on what gives us joy?  

What an interesting prospect.....

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