Saturday, July 4, 2015

Reflections on Freedom

On this Independence Day, I reflect on how lucky I am to live in this country.

I detest politics.  However, I am grateful that every American has the right to express their views, whether anyone agrees with them or not.  I am also grateful that Americans have the right vote for those they wish to hold political office.  We may bitch and complain about our government and those in office, but we can do so without the fear of being imprisoned or worse.

We are truly blessed that anyone may profess and practice whatever faith they believe in, even if they choose not to believe in anything.  I often think many Americans take this freedom for granted.  So many people around the globe are persecuted for their faith or lack of it.

This is truly a land of plenty.  So many choices, so many opportunities. There are grocery stores everywhere, carrying a myriad of items.  There are malls and stores a plenty....and that's not counting the vastness of the Internet.  Imagine having to stand in line for food and hope that by the time you get to the front, they have anything left.  We take certain things for granted: clean water, reliable electricity, garbage removal.  We get frustrated when there's a brownout and we have to reset the clocks in the house.  Imagine the electricity going out....for months.

And yet, with all the advantages we have, there are still many in this country that are disadvantaged in one way or another-hungry, homeless, sick and unable to receive care, straddling the poverty line.  We must be grateful for all that we have and are able to achieve and mindful of those that struggle every day in our country.  Do not take prosperity for granted.

This nation has its flaws; it's far from perfect.  There is much to improve, some issues more important to others than to me or you.  But we have the freedom to act, to dream, to travel, to stand up for what we believe in.  Whenever I dare to pay attention to the news, to what goes on in some other countries, I am grateful to live in the United States.

Happy Birthday America.

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