Friday, July 3, 2015

Amongst the Weeds

Nobody likes pulling weeds.  It's often a thankless task.  One does it so the yard or garden doesn't turn into a jungle.  Well, more often than not, my yard/garden looks like said jungle.  Actually, I don't have a garden-more like aspirations of a garden.  But today I was blessed with the perfect ratio of time and nice weather, so armed with my gloves, tools, repurposed toboggan which serves as a kneeler, and required Pandora app (set to the Styx station), I headed out to the jungle.

One of the reasons I like weeding is because it gives me time with my thoughts, which are many and all over the place.  They can be as mundane as what to do about dinner or as abstract as spirituality.  But they are usually uninterrupted because no one likes scaring the crap out of anyone with headphones on.  It's also one of the few times I can listen to music uninterrupted too, sometimes realizing that I've had the lyrics to a song wrong for decades or finally understanding the meaning of a particular song.

When the weeds get really bad, as they are now, I am always amazed at what I find among them: a spade and a trowel I thought previously lost; a ridiculous amount of broken roof flaps (and we had our roof replaced two years ago!); a Pokemon toy which surprised me-my kids haven't played with Pokemon toys for a while and I'm not THAT neglectful of a gardener! (well, maybe a little bit......)

Some observations while weeding:

Baby praying mantises (?) are cute:

Baby crickets not so much, especially when they fly out in all directions.

I would much rather pull a hundred of huge weeds with spikey leaves than ten of those spreadable ones that cling to the ground. They suck.

Disturbing an ant nest is both fascinating and frustrating.  I am sure I would freak out too if someone pulled the roof off my house and started rearranging everything.  Then again, I don't have a million people living in my house, who would swarm the neighborhood.  Once you disturb an ant colony, best to regroup and call it a day....which I did.  I just thank God it wasn't a fire ant nest like the ones we dealt with in Georgia *shudder*

Two things: when working in the garden on a hot day, when you have sweat running down your face, there is nothing more blissful than a sudden, perfect cool breeze.  Heaven.

And lastly, there is no more refreshing shower than the one you jump into after getting filthy and funky pulling weeds.  Aaahhhh....

I foresee a weekend of this.  Bring it on.

1 comment:

  1. I have an abandoned garden of flower pots which I routinely neglect to water (therefore abandoned). Sometimes I pull up weeds, scratch the top layer of soil, and add fertilizer. But when ants start swarming all over the place I pack up and leave, too.
