Monday, January 6, 2014


I started this blog last year.  I didn't have any expectations...just wanted to see what it was like.  I started off with a lot of steam, but, a lot of other things I started off full steam, this kinda fizzled.

It's a new year and like most people, I am starting anew on a lot of things.  One of those things is this blog.  Last year was a year of mostly observations.  This year I hope will be more about actions.  I would like to do things, go places, and blog about those experiences.  I'm sure I will also blog about observations (I have a few rough drafts of those rumbling about in my head already!).  

The two adjectives I have in mind for 2014 are fearless and active.  Fear is the basis of most negative behavior.  I have spent a good portion of my life afraid of one thing or another. Fear may have protected me in some instances, but it has also held me back.  It has kept me from being active, from trying new things, from failing and making mistakes and learning from those failures and mistakes.  I want to try more things and go more places; I can't know if I like or don't like something or am good at something if I don't try.

I didn't make any real resolutions for 2014, but this is a good start :) Happy New Year!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I vote you keep writing your blog. You had 2 posts in February that I was really looking forward to reading more. I did not comment on them though. I’ll try to comment if you write more. Maybe then you’d know there are people out here who do read and care about what you say. I feel you have always been a great writer. Back in grammar school I was kind of jealous because it seemed as though words would just flow for you. Meanwhile I would struggle while writing all the essays weather the essay was 100 words or 1000 words. I’d get all tied up inside because I didn’t know if I need to use a coma or a semicolon. Is this a run on sentence? Do I have a dangling participle? Did I use “that” correctly? Should I use “which” instead? When do I start a new paragraph? How many more paragraphs do I need? Was that a proper noun? It amazed me when we went to high school. Your school did not allow any little words to count toward the total count in an essay. Thank God and a really mean thank God since I went to a Catholic high school. My school did allow small words. If it did not I’d still be sitting in the Rectory counting and recounting my words with cobwebs all over me trying to come up with more words while my mind would secretly wander into the pantry thinking about the cookies in the tins in the freezer. I really loved those cookies. Even right now I’m grateful word will underline stuff for me. So now I can sit here yelling at the computer screen, “Why are you underlining that in green! It looks good to me. Darn you red. Yet another word I still have no clue how to spell.” I would labor over figuring out words I knew how to spell. Since I couldn’t understand how am I supposed to look it up if I don’t know how to spell it? All I have to do is right click and hope the word is in that list. So, what I’m trying to say is keep writing. I’d like to read what you are thinking even though I don’t really like reading that much. You’ve been to many places I’ve never been, done many things I have not done. Even going on the walking trails near you sounds cool to me go explore and then share. Also the Lenten project involving removing clutter and organizing sounded really cool. The concept of both totally escapes me. I’d like to hear how it was for you.

  3. Wow,!


    And Josie made some awesome chocolate chip cookies :)
