Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Patriots Day

So let me get this straight....


Boston, my hometown.  A city that is a balanced blend of erudite learning and pugnacious pride.  A city whose sons and daughters, no matter where they end up in the world, always look to as Home.  One of the cradles of liberty of this country.  A city that relishes the role of underdog and never backs down from a fight.

Boston was attacked on Patriot's Day.

Patriot's Day is the anniversary of the battles of Lexington and Concord.  The first battles of the Revolutionary War.  The beginning of this country as an independent nation.  The first step was to drive out oppressive, foreign powers from our soil.  Boston is so proud of this, this day of fighting back, it's a HOLIDAY.  That should tell anyone about the rebellious spirit of this city.

Boston was attacked on Patriot's Day during the Boston Marathon.

A marathon is a race, a race in length of a little over 26 miles.  For many runners, a marathon is the ultimate goal, the ultimate test.  It is not a race of speed; it is a race of endurance.  For so many, the goal is not to win the race; it is to finish it, to cross the finish line, no matter what your time may be.  It is a challenge of the body and mind.  It is often a metaphor for life, to keep striving forward, no matter what the obstacles are, within or without, until you reach your goal.  

Boston was attacked on Patriot's Day during the Boston Marathon.

O cowardly assassins, you picked the wrong city on the wrong day at the wrong time.  You may have struck fear into us for a moment, but it will coalesce into strength and resolve and action, as it has done in the past in this city.

Boston does not scare so easily.

Boston does not forget so easily, either.

We will find you and drive you out.

You have been warned.


1 comment:

  1. I find it rather ironic that a coward chose Patriot's Day to attack one of the most patriotic cities in the country.
