Sunday, February 3, 2013


I have been fat for most of my life.  I have tried over and over to lose weight, through various methods, with little success.  I now want to focus on health, but can't ignore the fact that I have to  exercise and get down to a healthy weight.  Lots of people have fitness goals...I have finally found mine.

I am so blessed to live in an area surrounded by so much natural beauty.  I live close to the Appalachian Trail, the C&O canal, many Civil War battlefields, and many many parks and walking trails.  Opportunity is all around's up to me to make the time and effort.  

It's going to take baby steps....many of them.  But as they say....nothing ventured, nothing gained.  I want to explore the area I live in to the fullest and enjoy nature all around me.  Being able to hike up to the little Washington Monument without being winded would be my first big step.  If I make that, there will be many more steps to follow...

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