Monday, December 31, 2012

Brave New Year

Tomorrow is January 1st.  Clean, blank slate.  A chance to start over.  Time for

new beginnings, resolutions, changes.  I have been kicking around the idea of 

starting a blog for the last 6 months.  So what better time to start it than at 

the very edge of a new year??

I named it "Eek! a blog!" because 1. there are SO many blogs out there.  Just 

what we need-another one, right? 2. "Blog" sounds like the name of a monster

I would have expected to see on Creature Double Feature when I was a kid.

(Saturday afternoons, Channel 56 in Boston-anyone?)

This blog isn't about anything specific-just the swirl of thoughts rambling 

about in my mind.  I don't expect anyone to agree with everything I write-

heck, I don't expect anyone to read it!  My views and opinions are just that-

mine.  Feel free to express your own point of view, start a healthy exchange 

of ideas, or just say hi :)  This is my first foray into this medium, so bear with

me.  I don't take myself too seriously; hopefully no one else will either ;)

Happy New Year and onward into 2013!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa,

    Great idea and great name.

    Don't think of this as a blog, it's your online journal we all get to look at. It takes a lot of gumption to do that!

    Good luck moving forward in the New Year - both on the blog and, most importantly, your goals!
