Friday, January 31, 2014

What if.....

what if....

we didn't rush?

what if.....

we didn't fuss?

what if...

you remembered you have a voice?

what if.....

you remembered you have a choice?

what if....

you greeted people with a smile?

what if....

instead of talking, you listened for a while?

The sun would shine a little brighter.
Your load would be a little lighter.
Your heart would beat a little stronger.
Fear and doubt would haunt you no longer.

Just think...

What if?

Monday, January 6, 2014


I started this blog last year.  I didn't have any expectations...just wanted to see what it was like.  I started off with a lot of steam, but, a lot of other things I started off full steam, this kinda fizzled.

It's a new year and like most people, I am starting anew on a lot of things.  One of those things is this blog.  Last year was a year of mostly observations.  This year I hope will be more about actions.  I would like to do things, go places, and blog about those experiences.  I'm sure I will also blog about observations (I have a few rough drafts of those rumbling about in my head already!).  

The two adjectives I have in mind for 2014 are fearless and active.  Fear is the basis of most negative behavior.  I have spent a good portion of my life afraid of one thing or another. Fear may have protected me in some instances, but it has also held me back.  It has kept me from being active, from trying new things, from failing and making mistakes and learning from those failures and mistakes.  I want to try more things and go more places; I can't know if I like or don't like something or am good at something if I don't try.

I didn't make any real resolutions for 2014, but this is a good start :) Happy New Year!