Sunday, March 24, 2013

Au Naturel

I love my beauty products just like any other girl.  However, I am also trying to be more conscious of what on put on my body.  A quick perusal of many hair care and body products yields a lot of words I cannot pronounce.  So I have been trying to make an effort to find ways to make my own personal care products.

While doing some research, I came across the "no 'poo method"-eschewing store bought shampoo and conditioner for simple concoctions to wash your hair.  The most popular method is using a tablespoon of baking soda dissolved in about 8oz of water for shampoo, with an apple cider rinse (1 or 2 TBSP of apple cider vinegar diluted in about 8 oz of warm water) used afterwards.  I tried this method for about 2 weeks.  Results? Meh. I really didn't like how my hair looked or felt.  I couldn't figure out if it was the baking soda mixture or the apple cider rinse.  I read that it takes a while for your scalp to readjust to the more natural cleasing methods, so I don't know if it was that or not.  

I didn't want to go back to store bought shampoo, so I sought out a different formula.  After some searching, I found this homemade shampoo, which I absolutely love!  This is courtesy of which is a wonderful website if you are looking for information on a healthier lifestyle.

1/4 cup coconut milk
1/3 cup castille soap (I use Dr. Bronners, which you can find at most health food stores & Target)
1/2 tsp or several capsules Vitamin E (optional)
20 drops of essential oil (whatever your preference)
for dry hair you can add 1/2 tsp olive or almond oil

Combine everything in a jar and keep in the shower, shaking up before using.  It even lathers up a bit, like regular shampoo.  My hair feels so much better.  Occasionally I will use a rinse on it.  I usually put some rosemary in a tea ball, put it in a cup, and pour boiling water over it and let it steep.  I'll add a few drops of essential oil, like Roman Chamomille, and a little bit of apple cider vinegar.

I highly recommend the e-book Hair Gone Wild  by Diane Kidman.  She has all sorts of natural recipes and remedies for different types of hair and hair problems.  

One note-although the baking soda method didn't work for me, it worked wonders on my daughter's hair.  Her hair is usually a nightmare to comb through.  Since I started using the baking soda/ACV rinse on her hair, it is much more manageable and easy to comb through in the mornings-which is a godsend.

In the future, I'll write about my experiences with homemade toothpaste and body wash :)

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