Wednesday, December 9, 2015


A few things I've learned...and continue to learn....along the way....

Let go.  You don't need to be in charge of everything.

Practice lovingkindness.  Start with yourself.

Slow down!  What's the rush?

Mistakes are ok.  They are how we learn and grow.

Pay attention.  Whether you are washing your face, balancing your checkbook, eating a pear, driving your car-put all your attention into each and every action.  Multitasking is overrated.

Give, often, until you have nothing left.  If you have the right mindset, you will never reach that point.  And everyone has something to give.

Before you communicate (speak, write, etc), consider-is it true?  Is it kind?  Is it necessary?

Quiet time is essential for everyone.  Empty your mind once in a while.  It gets cluttered in there.

You can live in this world and not be of it.  You do not have to follow the crowd or conform to society.  Everyone does not have to agree with you, get you, understand you, like you.  As long as you do no harm, follow your own path.  Be who you are.

Try a little tenderness.  Some patience too.  Everyone is fighting their own battles.

Always read through something twice before hitting "Send" or "Post".  Trust me.

Everyone knows how to talk.  Few know when to stay silent.

Giving advice is easy.  Practicing what you preach, not so much.

Only the truly powerful need never show their might.

Add as much positive energy to the world as possible.  Promoting what you love is just as, if not more, important as opposing what you don't.

You are beautiful.  Every bit of you, inside and out.  And the world is a better place because you are in it.